Pizzeria Locale (Restaurants) in Denver
Full information about Pizzeria Locale in Denver: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Pizzeria Locale on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Pizzeria Locale:
550 Broadway, Denver, Colorado (CO), 80203
(720) 508-8828
EditPizzeria Locale opening hours:
Everyday 11AM - 9PM
EditReviews about Pizzeria Locale:
About Pizzeria Locale:
Pizzeria Locale is a contemporary pizzeria inspired by the traditional pizzerias of southern Italy. Each pizza is made by hand using dough made from scratch,the freshest, highest-quality ingredients and baked to blistered perfection in a revolutionary pizza oven in just three minutes flat. Come in today to our Pizzeria Locale in Denver, CO!
EditRestaurants nearest to Pizzeria Locale:
Jamba Juice Denver, Restaurants; 575 Lincoln St#D, Denver, CO, 80203-3419; (303) 861-0758
Moe`s Broadway Bagel Denver, Restaurants; 550 Grant St, Denver, CO, 80203-4426; (303) 733-7331
Scarlett Ranch Denver, Restaurants; 424 Broadway, Denver, CO, 80203-3404; (303) 722-7538
Tuk Tuk Thai Wrap Denver, Restaurants; 299 E 6th Ave, Denver, CO, 80203-4415; (720) 917-1111